53 research outputs found

    Well-nested Context Unification

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    International audienceContext unification (CU) is the famous open problem of solving context equations for trees. We distinguish a new decidable fragment of CU - well-nested CU - and present a new unification algorithm that solves well-nested context equations in non-deterministic polynomial time. We show that minimal well-nested solutions of context equations can be composed from the material present in the equation. This surprising property is highly wishful when modeling natural language ellipsis in CU

    A confluent calculus for concurrent constraint programming with guarded choice

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    . Confluence is an important and desirable property as it allows the program to be understood by considering any desired scheduling rule, rather than having to consider all possible schedulings. Unfortunately, the usual operational semantics for concurrent constraint programs is not confluent as different process schedulings give rise to different sets of possible outcomes. We show that it is possible to give a natural confluent calculus for concurrent constraint programs, if the syntactic domain is extended by a blind choice operator and a special constant standing for a discarded branch. This has application to program analysis. 1 Introduction Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) [16, 15] is a recent programmingparadigm which elegantly combines logical concepts and concurrency mechanisms. The computational model of ccp is based on the notion of a constraint system, which consists of a set of constraints and an entailment relation. Processes interact through a common store. Commun..

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    No more, no less - A formal model for serverless computing

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    Serverless computing, also known as Functions-as-a-Service, is a recent paradigm aimed at simplifying the programming of cloud applications. The idea is that developers design applications in terms of functions, which are then deployed on a cloud infrastructure. The infrastructure takes care of executing the functions whenever requested by remote clients, dealing automatically with distribution and scaling with respect to inbound traffic. While vendors already support a variety of programming languages for serverless computing (e.g. Go, Java, Javascript, Python), as far as we know there is no reference model yet to formally reason on this paradigm. In this paper, we propose the first formal programming model for serverless computing, which combines ideas from both the λ\lambda-calculus (for functions) and the π\pi-calculus (for communication). To illustrate our proposal, we model a real-world serverless system. Thanks to our model, we are also able to capture and pinpoint the limitations of current vendor technologies, proposing possible amendments

    The Attributed Pi Calculus with Priorities

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    International audienceWe present the attributed π\pi-calculus for modeling concurrent systems with interaction constraints depending on the values of attributes of processes. The π\pi-calculus serves as a constraint language underlying the π\pi-calculus. Interaction constraints subsume priorities, by which to express global aspects of populations. We present a nondeterministic and a stochastic semantics for the attributed π\pi-calculus. We show how to encode the π\pi-calculus with priorities and polyadic synchronization π\pi@ and thus dynamic compartments, as well as the stochastic π\pi-calculus with concurrent objects spico. We illustrate the usefulness of the attributed π\pi-calculus for modeling biological systems at two particular examples: Euglena’s spatial movement in phototaxis, and cooperative protein binding in gene regulation of bacteriophage lambda. Furthermore, population-based model is supported beside individual-based modeling. A stochastic simulation algorithm for the attributed π\pi-calculus is derived from its stochastic semantics. We have implemented a simulator and present experimental results, that confirm the practical relevance of our approach

    A Mechanized Model of the Theory of Objects

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    In this paper we present a formalization of Abadi's and Cardelli's theory of ob jects in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. Our motivation is to build a mechanized HOL-framework for the analysis of a functional calculus for distributed ob jects. In particular, we present (a) a formal model of ob jects and its operational semantics based on de Bruijn indices (b) a parallel reduction relation for ob jects (c) the proof of confluence for the theory of ob jects reusing Nipkow's HOL-framework for the lambda calculus. We expect this framework to be highly reusable and allow further development and mechanized proofs of various aspects of ob ject theory, e.g., distribution, aspect orientation, typing